Privacy Notice Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V.


In compliance with the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, Hotels and Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. informs you that you are responsible for your personal data and that we are a business group Viñedo, Vinícola, Restaurante y Cafetería that offers visitors different wine, gastronomic and cultural experiences.

We are located at: Carretera Guadalupe - El Tigre, K.M 7.5 P 118 Colonia: Ejido el Porvenir, El Porvenir, Ensenada, Baja California CP. 22755 Our telephone numbers are: (646) 6881028 and (646) 6881902. Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. is responsible for the Data Protection, who can be contacted by email: [email protected].


This Privacy Notice is part of the


One of the priorities of Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. is to respect the privacy of its users and to keep safe all the information and personal data it collects, so that you will only share information with Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V.


Information requested

Among the data requested on our website are




Email address



Date of Birth

Billing or shipping address


In case you use our online service, we will be asking for Bank and/or credit card details as they are:

Banking information




Email address



Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. does not request sensitive data on its website.


Use of information

To receive information via email:

Your data will be processed for the following purposes: (I) to provide you with the information you have requested; (II) in the event that you purchase a product or hire a service, to perfect, comply with and control the correct fulfilment of the contract; (III) to comply with the legal obligations of Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. and (IV) to send you promotional communications, in the event that you have expressly requested it (at the time of registration on our website, by means of the corresponding box or in the section for this purpose within the website of Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. )

Content: Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. will send you promotional communications related to any product or service available on our website.

Media: Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. will send you these communications by e-mail.


Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. uses the requested information to provide the services and products you have requested, to conduct internal studies on demographics and interests of our users and to provide the most satisfactory experience when visiting our site and purchasing our services. Also to inform our users about new products or services that are related to the one contracted or acquired by the client, to fulfill obligations contracted with our clients, to evaluate the quality of the service, to inform about changes in our products or services and to provide a better service to the user. The information provided to us is for the exclusive use of Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. requests information that allows us to contact clients or users when necessary. We use the information requested during the registration process, when hiring a service or buying a product online.


What are cookies and how are they used?

Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user's computer when browsing a specific Internet page. They allow the Internet server to be reminded of certain data about the user, including the user's preferences for viewing pages on that server, name and password. In some sections of our site we require that the customer has cookies enabled as some of the features require them to work. Cookies allow us: a) recognize you when you enter our sites and offer you a personalized experience, b) know the personal configuration of the site specified by you, for example, the cookies allow us to detect the bandwidth you have selected when entering the home page of our sites, so that we know what type of information is advisable to download, c) calculate the size of our audience and measure some traffic parameters, as each browser that accesses our sites acquires a cookie that is used to determine the frequency of use and the sections of the sites visited, thus reflecting their habits and preferences, information that is useful to us to improve content, headlines and promotions for users. Cookies also help us track certain activities, for example, in some of the surveys we launch online, we may use cookies to detect whether a user has already filled out a survey and to avoid displaying it again, if at all. However, cookies will allow you to take advantage of the more beneficial features we offer, so we recommend that you leave them turned on. The use of cookies will not be used to identify users, except in cases where possible fraudulent activity is investigated.

When using cookies, the "help" button on the toolbar of most browsers will tell you how to avoid accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable all cookies.


Limitation of Use and Disclosure of Information

The information provided by the user, is secured by a personal identification number to which only the user can access and of which only he has knowledge. We recommend that you do not reveal your password to anyone. El Cielo Valle de Guadalupe will not request your password in any unsolicited phone calls or emails. In this matter, the team of collaborators of El Cielo Valle de Guadalupe has focused its efforts to offer the most modern and updated technology in order to provide you with the highest possible security. You can stop receiving promotional messages by phone or cell phone, stop receiving e-mails or advertising through postal mail, by requesting to unsubscribe to the phones: (646) 6881028 y (646) 6881902.


ARCO Rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition)

Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. is responsible for Data Protection, who can be contacted by e-mail or by calling (646) 6881028 and (646) 6881902.


Procedure for the "User" to exercise his ARCO rights and revoke the consent given is:

As a holder of personal data, the Holder may exercise ARCO rights (access, cancellation, rectification and opposition to the processing of personal data), or revoke the consent given to Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. You can also revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data by sending your request directly to Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. through the following e-mail account:


Such an application must at least contain (a) name and address or other means of communicating the reply to your request; (b) documents proving your identity or, where appropriate, legal representation; (c) a clear and precise description of the personal data in respect of which you are requested to exercise any of the ARCO rights; (d) an express statement revoking your consent to the processing of your personal data and therefore preventing their use; (e) any other element facilitating the location of the personal data.

Within a maximum period of 15 (fifteen) working days we will attend to your request and inform you about the origin of the request.

Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. advises the user to update their data every time they suffer any modification, since this will allow them to provide a more personalized service.


Transfers of information to third parties

Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. does not transfer data, it only makes referrals in order to comply with the above mentioned uses and to fulfill the obligations contracted with our clients for the purchase of a product or service.


Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. assumes no obligation to keep confidential any other information provided by the user, including information provided by the user through newsletters and online chats, as well as information obtained through cookies described in paragraph 3, the above in terms of the provisions of Article 109 of the Federal Copyright Act and Section I, Article 76 bis of the Federal Consumer Protection Act.



At the time of hiring a service or buying a product online, bank details will be requested for which we are committed to offering security and confidentiality of the data you provide, for this, we have a secure server under the protocol SSL (Secure Socket Layer) so that the information you send us, is transmitted encrypted to ensure their protection. To verify that you are in a protected environment, make sure that an "S" appears in the navigation bar "httpS"://.


Changes to the Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to modify or update this privacy notice at any time in order to comply with new legislation or case law, internal policies, new requirements for providing or offering our services or products, and market practices. In case of changes in the Privacy Notice, we will notify you through an e-mail that you have registered for such purposes or you will be able to see them reflected in our website mentioned above.


Acceptance of terms

If the user uses the services in any of the sites of Hoteles y Viñedos del Valle de Guadalupe S.A. de C.V. it means that he has read, understood and agreed to the terms above.


Authority If the user considers that his or her personal data protection rights have been violated, he or she has the right to turn to the corresponding authority to defend their exercise. The authority is the Federal Institute for Information Access and Data Protection (IFAI), its website is:


The date of the last update to this privacy notice: December 22, 2015