The grape harvest in different regions of the world

table of ContentsIn previous articles we have already shown you a little about what the grape harvest is and how this process is carried out in order to provide the best quality to wine lovers, but do you know how this event is celebrated in different parts of the world?
As we already know, the different parts of the world that produce wine carry out different processes and rituals for the harvesting of grapes that go hand in hand with their cultures, traditions and even the climatic region to which they belong.
Below we will briefly show you some of the grape harvest or wine-related festivals that take place in some wine-producing countries.
How many types of grape harvest are there?
To begin, it is important to mention that the grape harvest There are four different ways of doing it: manually and mechanically, depending on the method of harvesting, and at night and late in order to avoid heat or to allow the grapes to dehydrate and make dessert wines. In this text, we will mainly highlight the first two:
1.- Manual
Manual harvesting is mainly used to preserve and care for the integrity of the grapes for the creation of high-quality wines . This process consists, as its name suggests, in collecting the bunches of grapes by hand.
Once the grapes are harvested, they are transported in small quantities in boxes to ensure that they are not damaged and arrive optimally to the next step in winemaking. This type of harvest has considerably high production costs due to the high demand for labor.
2.- Mechanics
Mechanical harvesting, on the other hand, is carried out using machines designed for harvesting that collect bunches of grapes grown in vineyards separated from each other with the intention of giving the machinery space to carry out said harvest.
This process is cheaper than the previous one due to the low demand for labor, however, in this harvest the crop is more susceptible to damage which could affect the quality of the wine.
When does the grape harvest take place?
Depending on the different parts of the world where this event takes place, it is usually held towards the end of summer, but the harvest can vary from month to month or season due to the geographical positioning of the main wine-producing countries in the world.
Below, we will present some of the most recognized wine and harvest celebrations worldwide:
In Mexico, a variety of grape harvest festivals are held year after year due to the richness of its wine-growing regions.
These celebrations take place between the months of July and October, during which tastings of the best Mexican wines , parties, guided tours and concerts are held. However, the grape harvests in Ensenada, Baja California, are one of the most famous and popular in the country due to it being the most important wine-producing region in the country .
If you want to visit this beautiful region, it is best to do so during the month of August, a date that ProVino and the Mexican Vitivinicultural Council officially recognize as the month of the Grape Harvest Festivals.
This grape harvest festival for winemaking, known as the National Harvest Festival, takes place mainly in the province of Mendoza, between the months of February and March, that is, during the summer.
This event consists of four main celebrations such as the “Blessing of the Fruits”, the “Carousel”, the “White Way of the Queens” and the “Central Act”; the latter is considered one of the most representative of Argentine wine culture, due to the artistic shows presented in the Greek amphitheater “Frank Romero Day”.
The Spanish grape harvest is celebrated in all wine-producing regions, but below we will describe the grape harvest in two of this European country's wine regions, Valencia and Barcelona . On the one hand, the grape harvest in Valencia is known as the “Fiesta de la Vendimia en Requema” (Requema Harvest Festival) and is celebrated from 20 to 31 August every year ; it is characterised by its fair, which has been inspired by the Middle Ages since 1947.
On the other hand, the wine festival held in Barcelona is known as the “ Festa de la Verema a Alella ”, it takes place every second weekend in September, and is notable for the grape stompers' competition and the subsequent selection of the “pubilla”, which will be weighed in front of spectators and given its equivalent weight in bottles of wine.
The Italian grape harvest is celebrated in many regions, with the Asti winery, a town in the Piedmont region in north-east Italy, being particularly famous . This festival is called “Vino Douja d'Or” and has been held since 1967 in September, with the most representative event being the closing of the grape harvest with a bareback horse race.
As in Spain, France also holds two events related to the harvesting of grapes for wine in all the regions of the country that produce wines. Below we describe the festivals in Paris and Burgundy.
The “ Fête des vengandes de Montmartre ” in Paris takes place the first week of October, in the oldest vineyard in France, dating back to the 16th century. Among its celebrations is a parade held in honour of the god Bacchus, in which petit poulbots play different types of drums. The parade begins in the streets of Montmartre and ends with a fireworks display in the main square.
One of the oldest wine-related festivals in the region is celebrated in Burgundy; the so-called “ Les Trois Glorieuses ” which since 1895 has seen notable activities such as the “ Hospices de Beaune ” auction, where the youngest wines presented at the celebration are auctioned off, every November for three days.
In this region of the American continent, a set of three festivals called “ Niagara Wine Festivals ” take place . The venue of these festivals is the city of Ontario and they have been celebrated since 1951 during the months of January, June and September of each year , respectively.
The Niagara Wine Festival in September is the most popular , hosting over 100 activities including the famous Montebello Park tours.
The Niagara Icewine Festival, on the other hand, takes place in late January and early February to harvest frozen grapes for the production of its famous ice wine, known for its sweetness and exquisite concentration of aromas. Among its most important activities is the Ice Wine Gala.
Finally, in June, the Niagara New Vintage Festival is held to celebrate the flavors of the region’s newest wines , as well as to gather together to discuss the latest trends and developments in wine culture. Tours, tastings and special events are offered at the event.
In the New World as well as in Europe, a new vintage is always a reason to celebrate and reminds winemakers of the tradition and pride of winemaking.
Now that you know how the grape harvest for wine is celebrated in different regions of the world, we invite you to experience the Grape Harvest in El Cielo , where you will taste different types of wine, stomp the grapes and live other experiences that you will love.
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