Sustainability in the vineyard

The challenge, mission and commitment of winery owners is to grow in a sustained and sustainable way.
Tourism is, without a doubt, one of the most important economic drivers in Mexico. In recent decades, wine tourism has become increasingly popular, and in states such as Baja California, growth has been exponential.
Table of Contents
- The challenge, mission and commitment of winery owners is to grow in a sustained and sustainable way.
- Commitment to the environment must be a priority
- Biodynamics and the development of organic vineyards seeking sustainable practices with the land are of vital importance today.
- One strategy is reservoirs where water is collected and the vineyards are irrigated from there.
- Fighting harmful fauna naturally
- Growing in a sustained and sustainable way
Commitment to the environment must be a priority
Since the actions taken impact our planet and future generations.
The trend: sustainability
Biodynamics and the development of organic vineyards seeking sustainable practices with the land are of vital importance today.
They are also a global trend in preserving the soil in better conditions and thereby also seeking to impact the quality of the wine.
Water is an indispensable resource in field processes, and the use of new technologies allows it to be used efficiently for good hydration.
One strategy is reservoirs where water is collected and the vineyards are irrigated from there.
During the winter, when the vine is dormant and it usually rains, water is stored for irrigation in the following spring and summer. It is increasingly common for wineries to have wastewater treatment plants for watering their gardens.
Electricity is expensive and its traditional generation is polluting, which is why several wineries have also become concerned about invest in solar energy from panels, It is not only about saving energy, but also about producing it.
Fighting harmful fauna naturally
Falconry is an activity that more and more wineries are adopting.
It consists of controlling harmful fauna through Harris's hawks, which are used in airports, since any bird that hits the turbine of an airplane can be very dangerous. In this other case, the hawks control both the presence of birds and some small rodents in the vineyards, being an eco-friendly practice. And when it comes to controlling harmful fauna, moles can put the health of the plants at risk, which is why Beagle dogs are used (due to their keen sense of smell) to control the presence of rodents. At the El Cielo winery, a case close to me, they have successfully implemented both practices.
Growing in a sustained and sustainable way
The Guadalupe Valley is a paradise that, in addition to producing wines, receives more tourists every day. The challenge, mission and commitment of those who have wineries is to grow in a sustained and sustainable way, It does not only mean following a growth pattern, but making the investment last over time by ensuring that many generations will be able to enjoy those sunrises, sunsets and wines that Mother Nature gives us every year.
Eat a lot and drink little.